Saturday, May 14, 2016

(A conversation starring A, B & C)

a. This is a story about change in climate...

b. Really?

a. I thought the climate only changed 4 times a year (seasons)?

b. Yeahhhh... that was the case before. Now it is a little different, today...

a. Wait, isn't climate controlled by the rotation of earth around the sun?

b. Yup, that was the idea back in the day...

a. So, if the year only has 365 days. Then our climate should be constant...

c. Don't forget about the extra day we have each 4 years...

a. Then it changes a little over time... Essentially, yeah just a little...

c. What about our influence on the planet??? Would that change the climate as well?

a. Well... earth is an ecosystem. Ecosystems need certain constants in order to prevail...

b. Soooo... what if we remove all constants...

c. Then, my friend... you remove the ecosystem.